Internal game “Commanders”
Continue readingTokenized Lore
Tokenized Lore

character creation
book design
my role
lead designer
narrative developer
Tokenized Lore represents an innovative and community-focused approach designed to revolutionize the way creative content is developed and recognized in the Alien Worlds universe.
This new framework is tailored specifically to decentralize the development and canonization of lore, giving the community the power to create and govern the evolution of the official Alien Worlds IP.
Creators in the Alien Worlds community will be able to craft and propose their own story-driven content which, once submitted, is open to the scrutiny and approval of the wider community. The mechanism for this approval process is particularly innovative: community members use Trilium, a digital asset integral to the Alien Worlds ecosystem, as the basis for their voting power. This democratic process ensures that all voices within the community are heard and that the content which resonates most with the community gets recognized.

Creating the Concept
Utilizing a series of written summaries created with the invaluable assistance of Kevin J. Anderson, the lore team went on to break each race down into a series of important visual and story-telling elements, including their general look, culture, architecture and technology, as well as other facets specific to individual races. Using a series of agree-upon descriptors, members of the team then employed generative AI to help produce thematically cohesive imagery for each race. We did not strive for perfect homogeneity of style, instead looking to incorporate multiple styles and expressions of the lore to appeal to a wider creator base. AI was therefore a perfect fit for generating these multiple directions - and consequently you will see variations even within individual races, which is by design. These images, alongside tailored versions of the race summaries, go together to form a comprehensive written and visual depiction, providing a robust base that creators can then use to craft a wide variety of cohesive story-driven content.

Creators in the Alien Worlds community will be able to craft and propose their own story-driven content which, once submitted, is open to the scrutiny and approval of the wider community. The mechanism for this approval process is particularly innovative: community members use Trilium, a digital asset integral to the Alien Worlds ecosystem, as the basis for their voting power. This democratic process ensures that all voices within the community are heard and that the content which resonates most with the community gets recognized.

The Altans, a superior ancient race, were the first to discover Trilium and develop basic Triactor technology to control it. Their planet used to be a primary source, but they have since exhausted its supply. As a result, they searched among the stars and made contact with the first races on other planets where they believed Trilium could be mined.
The Altans, a superior ancient race, were the first to discover Trilium and develop basic Triactor technology to control it. Their planet used to be a primary source, but they have since exhausted its supply. As a result, they searched among the stars and made contact with the first races on other planets where they believed Trilium could be mined.

initial stage
The Altans, a superior ancient race, were the first to discover Trilium and develop basic Triactor technology to control it. Their planet used to be a primary source, but they have since exhausted its supply. As a result, they searched among the stars and made contact with the first races on other planets where they believed Trilium could be mined.

intermediate stage
The Altans, a superior ancient race, were the first to discover Trilium and develop basic Triactor technology to control it. Their planet used to be a primary source, but they have since exhausted its supply. As a result, they searched among the stars and made contact with the first races on other planets where they believed Trilium could be mined.
final stage
The Altans, a superior ancient race, were the first to discover Trilium and develop basic Triactor technology to control it. Their planet used to be a primary source, but they have since exhausted its supply. As a result, they searched among the stars and made contact with the first races on other planets where they believed Trilium could be mined.
culture & civilization
Triactor-derived head paraphernalia are incredibly popular amongst Altans - with a wide variety of designs ranging from commonplace to unique and unusual - and are believed to enhance one or more of their basic senses.
Various other facets of Altan fashion are an homage to their reserved culture and penchant for maintaining an appreciable area of personal space, including such dress items as long-sleeved gloves or gauntlets with large protrusions - particularly near the elbow - that emphasize the notion that they are not to be approached too closely.
Thematically, the Altan color palette is a combination of neutral and metallic tones symbolizing their advanced technological status and their intellectual purity.

culture & civilization
The Elgem are a small-statured, innocuous-looking race with naturally high agility, and the ability to move swiftly in almost complete silence. They are one of the oldest Federation races boasting technology on par with the Khaured and only surpassed by the Altans, yet their presence is muted. They do not crave wealth, power or fame but instead prefer to fade into the background, content with having a seat at the Federation table but uninterested in the intricate dance of interstellar politics.

initial stage
Elgem culture is one of duality, with them presenting two distinct versions of themselves based on the nature of the situation. When among their own people they tend to be relaxed, happy and possessing an infectiously playful air, yet in the presence of strangers or far from their homes they are quiet and reserved, blending into the background, their short stature aiding their ability to remain unnoticed by most. Their clothing is selected to match their situation, with muted colors and hooded cloaks chosen when abroad, whilst at home their vestments border on garish, with prodigious use of vibrant colors.
intermediate stage
Elgem culture is one of duality, with them presenting two distinct versions of themselves based on the nature of the situation. When among their own people they tend to be relaxed, happy and possessing an infectiously playful air, yet in the presence of strangers or far from their homes they are quiet and reserved, blending into the background, their short stature aiding their ability to remain unnoticed by most. Their clothing is selected to match their situation, with muted colors and hooded cloaks chosen when abroad, whilst at home their vestments border on garish, with prodigious use of vibrant colors.
final stage
Elgem technology matches the duality of their culture, and is vibrantly coloured when they are traveling openly in safe zones, or on diplomatic missions, etc, but capable of near-perfect camouflage in scenarios where they need to move with stealth.Their ship shapes are inspired by nature, and also covered in a bio-organic skin that uses chromatophores to dynamically change the ship’s colouration, with different color schemes also altering or masking various other signatures that are picked up by scanning technology. This is not true invisibility but camouflage like that of a cephalopod or a chameleon.
click below to open

a new product for the game was developed completely from scratch
a design system and UIkit have been developed based on chakra
several dozen screens have been developed as well as iconography
created several characters AND also developed and successfully implemented a marketing campaign
the game community responded to this with enthusiasm and joy, left excellent reviews and the number of new players was also increased several times

3d modeling
video reels
my role
lead designer
3d designer
video editor
Trilium is a bioreactive substance that can be manipulated and controlled through Triactor technology.
Tokenized Lore represents an innovative and community-focused approach designed to revolutionize the way creative content is developed and recognized in the Alien Worlds universe. This new framework is tailored specifically to decentralize the development and canonization of lore, giving the community the power to create and govern the evolution of the official Alien Worlds IP. The key to this system is the integration of cutting-edge blockchain technology, working in harmony with a specially designed lore-specific Alien Worlds decentralized autonomous organization (DAO).
lore treatment
Creators in the Alien Worlds community will be able to craft and propose their own story-driven content which, once submitted, is open to the scrutiny and approval of the wider community. The mechanism for this approval process is particularly innovative: community members use Trilium, a digital asset integral to the Alien Worlds ecosystem, as the basis for their voting power. This democratic process ensures that all voices within the community are heard and that the content which resonates most with the community gets recognized.
Tokenized Lore emerged as a pivotal element in a revamp of the Alien Worlds universe, designed to offer a comprehensive framework rich in diverse races and innovative concepts, providing creators with ample opportunities to craft and expand upon narrative-rich content. Collaborating closely with acclaimed author Kevin J. Anderson, the Alien Worlds lore team has creatively redefined existing races and introduced new ones, adding further depth and variety to the universe. A significant achievement of this collaboration has been the development of a unique, lore-centered explanation for the widespread and highly sought-after presence of Trilium in the Alien Worlds universe. This rationalization not only enhances the storyline but also integrates seamlessly with the game's mechanics, enriching the overall experience for the community.

creative process
Creators in the Alien Worlds community will be able to craft and propose their own story-driven content which, once submitted, is open to the scrutiny and approval of the wider community. The mechanism for this approval process is particularly innovative: community members use Trilium, a digital asset integral to the Alien Worlds ecosystem, as the basis for their voting power. This democratic process ensures that all voices within the community are heard and that the content which resonates most with the community gets recognized.

3d graphics
Creators in the Alien Worlds community will be able to craft and propose their own story-driven content which, once submitted, is open to the scrutiny and approval of the wider community. The mechanism for this approval process is particularly innovative: community members use Trilium, a digital asset integral to the Alien Worlds ecosystem, as the basis for their voting power. This democratic process ensures that all voices within the community are heard and that the content which resonates most with the community gets recognized.

3d graphics
Creators in the Alien Worlds community will be able to craft and propose their own story-driven content which, once submitted, is open to the scrutiny and approval of the wider community. The mechanism for this approval process is particularly innovative: community members use Trilium, a digital asset integral to the Alien Worlds ecosystem, as the basis for their voting power. This democratic process ensures that all voices within the community are heard and that the content which resonates most with the community gets recognized.
Draft video #2.1
final video
Creators in the Alien Worlds community will be able to craft and propose their own story-driven content which, once submitted, is open to the scrutiny and approval of the wider community. The mechanism for this approval process is particularly innovative: community members use Trilium, a digital asset integral to the Alien Worlds ecosystem, as the basis for their voting power. This democratic process ensures that all voices within the community are heard and that the content which resonates most with the community gets recognized.
a new product for the game was developed completely from scratch
a design system and UIkit have been developed based on chakra
several dozen screens have been developed as well as iconography
created several characters AND also developed and successfully implemented a marketing campaign
the game community responded to this with enthusiasm and joy, left excellent reviews and the number of new players was also increased several times

web design
user experience
motion graphics
my role
lead designer
senior UX designer
web designer
digital designer
Our large friendly team enthusiastically began redesigning the site of the previous version. I’ll say in advance that we completed it 100%. Everything worked well tried their best I acted as the main designer in the marketing and design team.
first steps
At one stage there was a need to rework and develop a new iconography. After discussions, I developed a whole language (of visual images) in the form of icons. Planet icons have the form of a filled circle in a flat form, they are also used as icons marked with the corresponding color. ( Please watch The planets section bellow). I also use the same content We created a coat of arms system. Please note that they only use strokes.

work in progress
At one stage there was a need to rework and develop a new iconography. After discussions, I developed a whole language (of visual images) in the form of icons. Planet icons have the form of a filled circle in a flat form, they are also used as icons marked with the corresponding color. ( Please watch The planets section bellow). I also use the same content We created a coat of arms system. Please note that they only use strokes.

At one stage there was a need to rework and develop a new iconography. After discussions, I developed a whole language (of visual images) in the form of icons. Planet icons have the form of a filled circle in a flat form, they are also used as icons marked with the corresponding color. ( Please watch The planets section bellow). I also use the same content We created a coat of arms system. Please note that they only use strokes.

modules & components
At one stage there was a need to rework and develop a new iconography. After discussions, I developed a whole language (of visual images) in the form of icons. Planet icons have the form of a filled circle in a flat form, they are also used as icons marked with the corresponding color. ( Please watch The planets section bellow). I also use the same content We created a coat of arms system. Please note that they only use strokes.

the final cut
At one stage there was a need to rework and develop a new iconography. After discussions, I developed a whole language (of visual images) in the form of icons. Planet icons have the form of a filled circle in a flat form, they are also used as icons marked with the corresponding color. ( Please watch The planets section bellow). I also use the same content We created a coat of arms system. Please note that they only use strokes.
the site
We decided to make a non-trivial marketing campaign and chose my style of vintage fifties-style posters as a basis. This style has unsurpassed charm and looks very interesting and unusual.

High fidelity prototype

3d and animation
At one stage there was a need to rework and develop a new iconography. After discussions, I developed a whole language (of visual images) in the form of icons. Planet icons have the form of a filled circle in a flat form, they are also used as icons marked with the corresponding color. ( Please watch The planets section bellow). I also use the same content We created a coat of arms system. Please note that they only use strokes.
a new product for the game was developed completely from scratch
a design system and UIkit have been developed based on chakra
several dozen screens have been developed as well as iconography
created several characters AND also developed and successfully implemented a marketing campaign
the game community responded to this with enthusiasm and joy, left excellent reviews and the number of new players was also increased several times
Marketing Style Guide
Marketing Style Guide

project scope
corporate identity
Social media
With its innovative approach, the brand offers a fusion of futuristic storytelling, captivating visuals, and immersive experiences, captivating both science fiction enthusiasts and adventure seekers alike.
How it works
We collected not only according to the rules and laws, we also indicated all the links to the folders in the Google Doc Where all the files you need are collected on the corporate Dacoco account. We also tried to make everything very structured and, I hope, convenient in order for you to use all marketing tools as efficiently as possible.
Marketing Style Guide
NFT 2.0
NFT 2.0

project scope
graphic design
motion graphics
my role
lead designer
The popular blockchain game Alien Wars already had a fairly rich pool of NFT cards that were the basis of the game, and our team was tasked with developing a completely new type of cards and creating a new collection of NFT.
The first version of the NFT card collection for the game was very popular, but the problem was that the number of cards for all was prohibitively large and we were faced with the fact that on the one hand, the NFC point had to be similar to the old previous versions, on the other hand, we wanted to make more modern new animated and 3D.
How to see the old NFC cards looked quite old-fashioned and even "nuts", but nevertheless, the players were already accustomed to them and the design had to be very careful so that the community did not perceive the new design negatively.

reward nfts
At a certain stage, an intermediate collection of nft rewards was created and a marketing advertising campaign was developed for the game community where you can see the result, sales were very high and this collection showed itself well.
We decided not to change the design of the frames and left it almost in its original form, but the inside was completely different and we used new technologies and also made it animated and 3D
It was a special advertising company where we also developed quite interesting, well-thought-out scenarios for new characters such as Kol and the result exceeded all our expectations
Work in progress
In continuation we began to develop new frame designs for NFT and the process was quite complex but at the same time exciting. We tried to find new forms to do something completely different but in a hybrid with the previous design

Schemas and series
In addition to the rest of the issue, a new system of diagrams from the series was developed in the form of iconography, which was completely new and quite interesting and illustrative for users to understand the types.

In the end, after much discussion by the team and consultation of various meetings, we came to the final form of our NFC card which was a beautiful frame with various SHINES and RARITY.
We were incredibly happy because we came to a consensus and all the illustrations were also developed; the community really liked the new design and thus we updated the collection.

3d and animation
to show all the beauty of the design of the new oil collection, we decided to complicate the situation and create a three-dimensional 3T image with animation
I made parallax effect, a eventually we called this WIGGLE-WIGGLE. Also the rarity and shines were animated.

a new product for the game was developed completely from scratch
a design system and UIkit have been developed based on chakra
several dozen screens have been developed as well as iconography
created several characters AND also developed and successfully implemented a marketing campaign
the game community responded to this with enthusiasm and joy, left excellent reviews and the number of new players was also increased several times
Design System
Design System

project scope
user experience
user interface
Product UI Kit
react developer
Style guide
On that level, system is describing the basic principles which are applied to all style guides and products. The great example is typography. The same typography will be used in all products which are produced under agenda of Alien Worlds Brand.

What is Design System ?
The ultimate collection of reusable components with clearly defined standards or rules for use. Under components I mean different design assets such as: buttons, inputs, checkboxes and etc.

In that area the magic begins. It has a bit more complex hierarchy. It has 2 zones, one is for main info and second one for the actual design.
UI Kit
At this place will be the whole list of components that is used in current files and some elements from connected libraries.
Zone for saving some old itterations that wasn’t approved but can be reused in a future. Also it can be some kind of backup.
Each page should have 2 pages UI & UX
Page UX
On UX will be placed wireframes on which designer can orient while creating UI
Page UI
In this page will be final designs which will be transfered to the developers

Further we have started developing the main video that would tell not just a story about DAO SYNDICATE, but our England narrative developers developed a script with an interesting plot, so together with video engineers we worked hard and made a video that gained several hundred thousand views. using tools such as Miro, Blender Run and After Effects We in a team of three people developed a series of videos
a new product for the game was developed completely from scratch
a design system and UIkit have been developed based on chakra
several dozen screens have been developed as well as iconography
created several characters AND also developed and successfully implemented a marketing campaign
the game community responded to this with enthusiasm and joy, left excellent reviews and the number of new players was also increased several times

project scope
user experience
design system
react developer
FIgma design
Our team was given the task of developing a DAO syndicate, moreover, I was appointed lead designer and in the next six months it was necessary to develop a product from scratch from scratch. Moreover, it was the main product for the popular game Alien Worlds.
At one stage there was a need to rework and develop a new iconography. After discussions, I developed a whole language (of visual images) in the form of icons. Planet icons have the form of a filled circle in a flat form, they are also used as icons marked with the corresponding color. ( Please watch The planets section bellow). I also use the same content We created a coat of arms system. Please note that they only use strokes.

planet details
At one stage there was a need to rework and develop a new iconography. After discussions, I developed a whole language (of visual images) in the form of icons. Planet icons have the form of a filled circle in a flat form, they are also used as icons marked with the corresponding color. ( Please watch The planets section bellow). I also use the same content We created a coat of arms system. Please note that they only use strokes.

At one stage there was a need to rework and develop a new iconography. After discussions, I developed a whole language (of visual images) in the form of icons. Planet icons have the form of a filled circle in a flat form, they are also used as icons marked with the corresponding color. ( Please watch The planets section bellow). I also use the same content We created a coat of arms system. Please note that they only use strokes.